Curriculum For Autism

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Teaching Kids With Autism About Voice Volume

Teaching kids With Autism About Voice Volume

Kids of all ages and abilities often forget to use their indoor voice when they are indoors. How often have you told your students or your own children to use their indoor voice? Did your reminders work?

For some children with autism being told to use an indoor voice or an outdoor voice can be very confusing. What exactly are the adults asking them to do?

I like to teach the meanings of Loud & Quiet first. For younger kids, songs and games are a great way to teach about the volume of sounds. You could use percussion instruments and ask them to make loud or quiet sounds. They could make loud noises to wake up a sleeping puppet, or make very quiet sounds so the puppet can sleep.

Real life examples of places and times when a loud voice or a quiet voice are most appropriate can help some students think about their own voice volume in different situations. Shop my Voice Volume clip cards HERE

Shop more Speech Visual Supports HERE

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