How Does Autism Affect Social Skills?
In this blog post we’ll look at how autism can make learning social skills difficult for your students or child, and what you can do to help them develop their social communication and social relationship skills.

Understanding Autism Sensory Overload
In this blog post, we’ll cover what sensory overload is, what it can look like, possible triggers, and some steps you can take to help your child or student avoid sensory overload.

What’s The Best Homeschool Curriculum for Autism?
In this blog post we’ll take a look at how to choose the most suitable educational homeschool resources and activities for your child with autism.

Understanding the Autism Brain (for teachers & parents)
In this blog post, we’ll explore what makes the autistic brain function differently from the neurotypical brain, and what this means for kids, teens, and adults who are disabled by autism.

Elopement Behavior in Kids with Autism
Many kids with autism will leave a room, building, or playground without permission and without warning. This behavior is known as elopement.

Nonverbal Autism: How to Help Kids with Autism Who are Nonverbal
Nonverbal autism is a subset of autism that includes children and adults who are not yet speaking. Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions people ask about nonverbal autism.

Autism Meltdown: Here’s What Every Autism Parent or Teacher Needs to Know About Meltdowns
Autism meltdowns are often talked about by parents, teachers, and therapists, but what are they? In this blog post, we’ll be looking at what every autism parent or teacher needs to know about meltdowns.

Vocal Stimming in Children with Autism: What You Need to Know
Many kids and teens with autism make frequent sounds and noises when excited or anxious. Vocal stimming is when someone perseverates (repeats) a specific sound or a selection of sounds to produce sensory stimulation.

10 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe if Your Child with Autism is Aggressive
In this blog post we’re going to look at what practical steps you can take to keep yourself and your other kids safe when your child, teen, or adult with autism becomes aggressive.

How can I teach my non-verbal kid with autism to speak?
In this blog post we will look at simple strategies and activities you can use at home to help your not-yet-verbal child with autism to learn to speak.

How can I teach a child with Autism to do basic chores?
In this blog post we’ll look at some simple, practical ideas for teaching kids with autism to do basic chores.

How can I help my prevent my child or student with Autism becoming overloaded by too much noise?
I this blog post we’ll look at practical strategies to reduce sensory overload from noise for your child or student with autism.

How to teach Life Skills to children with Autism
In this blog post we’ll look at how you can teach everyday life skills to a child or teen with autism. We’ll consider which life skill to teach first and how to break them down into smaller steps.

How to make a DIY Body Sensory Sock for your child with autism
Follow these simple steps to make a DIY Sensory Body Sock for your child or student with autism.

Is an autistic meltdown the same as a temper tantrum?
In this blog post we’ll discuss the difference between meltdowns & temper tantrums in children and teens with autism, and how you can reduce snsory meltdowns.